Tag: Theater

Sandy City’s ‘Barefoot’ Inauguration

SANDY — Neil Simons’s Barefoot in the Park is arguably one of the most recognized titles in theater, its comedy and humanism universally recognized on stage, television and screen since its Broadway premiere in 1963. With a small cast and brilliant script, this is a strong choice for the Sandy Arts Guild who present Barefoot in the Park as their inaugural production at Sandy City Hall’s Chamber Theater—a project 17 years in the making since City Hall’s construction in 1993.

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Love Letters: See the show or read the book?

SALT LAKE CITY – Love Letters has become a tradition at the SLCC Grand Theatre (and in many other places) around Valentine’s Day. It’s a story of two friends/lovers and the letters they have exchanged throughout their lives. The script is fascinating, and I would have loved to read it, at home in my pajamas. Sadly, though, I sat through two hours of someone else reading it to me. I left the “play” perplexed as to why this was ever put on a stage. Perhaps because not everyone reads; it’s possible that this play was produced for those non-readers, who would only hear the story if they could pay $25 and bring a date. Maybe?

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The Senior Theatre Project

SALT LAKE CITY — For everything there is a season. This season is winter and the topic is one’s situation of experiencing the winter of life. Babcock Performing Readers and Walk-Ons Incorporated performed The Senior Theatre Project: Five short plays by, for and about seniors on February 11, 2010 at the Olpin Union Little Theatre on the University of Utah Campus.

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