Interested in reviewing?
UTBA is always interested in engaging more high quality writers to join our stable of excellent reviewers, journalists and critics. Currently, our greatest area of need is in southern Utah with coverage from Iron County to Washington County for year round coverage of shows from local theatre companies and college productions. Interested writers may submit a request for consideration to be a reviewer. Candidates will be asked to submit writing samples and a resume for consideration and will be given the chance to write a trial review of a local theatre production that meets the internal UTBA guidelines and standards. Reviewers and journalists are not required to take on assignments but are encouraged to be willing to review shows that their skill set allows them to tackle as well as generate other creative writing opportunities through interviews, press releases, and so forth.
Minimum Qualifications for UTBA Writers
- Writers must be at least 18 years of age with strong writing samples.
- UTBA requires all writers to use their real name (first and last).
- Writers must meet all requirements for publication and meet deadlines as set by the organization.
- We are grateful to be invited guests into theatres and production venues across the state. Writers are to be exemplary guests and have admirable audience etiquette from the moment they enter the venue and through their entire experience.
- Ability to astutely analyze a show and provide specific, useful criticism.
Preferred Qualities of a Writer
- Theatrical experience or training is highly valued. Many of our reviewers have (or are pursuing) degrees in theatre and are actively engaged in theatre companies.
- Understanding of various theatrical traditions and conventions.
- Proactive interest in seeking out shows to review and content to create.
- Ability to specialize in specific performance styles or genres.
- Ability to cover productions at all levels of productions within the state.
- Willing to contribute to the organization’s growth and mission beyond writing reviews.
*NOTE – Reviewers are appropriately assigned to productions based on individual qualifications. We ask that reviewers attend an average of one production per month.