Search Results for: The Cat in the Hat

High hopes for ‘Kiss Me, Kate’ in Centerville

CENTERVILLE — Rodgers Memorial Theatre brings a little piece of Broadway to Davis County in their latest production of Kiss Me, Kate. While director Jeremy Flygare shows clear comedic instinct, the finished product boasts more of an enjoyable musical revue than the tight production it could have been. Definitely still a worthwhile evening at the theatre; you will be humming a few notes well after the curtains drawn and the lights are out.

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‘The Vagina Monologues’ proves to be more than just a show

SALT LAKE CITY — As a man, I anticipated that walking into a production of “The Vagina Monologues” would be like throwing a steak to a den of lionesses. The piece tends to have an anti-male bias and carries with it a stigma of being a 2-hour “man bashing” session. However, this was not the case at Westminster College in Salt Lake City. They took the piece and instead bolstered understanding and awareness for all audience members in attendance, regardless of sex.

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TWELVE ANGRY MEN proves an almost perfect case

SALT LAKE CITY — Pioneer Theatre Company has always set a high standard of performance in Utah. Twelve Angry Men has certainly been the highlight of my theatre season this year. Beautifully staged by director John Going, this meaty play nearly sets the mark for perfection in combining script, actor and designer.

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The Senior Theatre Project

SALT LAKE CITY — For everything there is a season. This season is winter and the topic is one’s situation of experiencing the winter of life. Babcock Performing Readers and Walk-Ons Incorporated performed The Senior Theatre Project: Five short plays by, for and about seniors on February 11, 2010 at the Olpin Union Little Theatre on the University of Utah Campus.

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SALT LAKE CITY — An intense, topical, and furiously paced retelling of the classic Greek tragedy Antigone, the regional premiere of “Too Much Memory” is now playing at Salt Lake Acting Company.

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