SALT LAKE CITY — Turn to Page 93 is a Fringe production written by Natalia V. Noble and JayC Stoddard. Produced by Utah Repertory Theater Company and directed by Josh Patterson, this play is an intriguing look at truth, fact, fiction, revenge, and the human experience. The show has four characters: Skylar (played by John R. Belliston), Erica (played by Mandi Titcomb), Evelynne (played by Jillian Joy), and Gavin (played by JayC Stoddard).

Show closes August 11, 2018.
Like many productions at the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival, the short length of Turn to Page 93 made me wish for more time to develop the story and characterization. The action moves quickly, and while the story is interesting and has promise, it was a challenge to make to fully buy in to the twists of the plot. As some of the twists would be spoiled by going into too much detail, I will state that it is a timely production in the wake of the #metoo movement and touches about how emotions, trauma, and anger linger for a long time. Stoddard delivered what felt to me the most important line in the production, helping Titcomb’s character understand that no one can change what has happened to them, but that everyone must live with their actions as they moving forward.
All four actors portray their roles well, with extremely superb performances by Joy and Stoddard. Joy’s character is full of mystery, and she excels at bringing out that aspect in interesting ways. Belliston was probably the weakest of the team in the beginning, but some elements near the end were highly impressive and reflective of the need to expand the story into a longer production.
Mostly, this production is a good look at what is truth, who assigns truth, and how truth and fact are not necessarily synonymous. It also reflects on how each moment of our lives is full of choice.