I want to officially welcome you all to the Lessing Week celebration. I’m sure many of you have no idea what that is. And that’s ok. Because this is actually the very first one.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, that’s who!
The field of dramaturgy was coined by a man named Gotthold E. Lessing, a German playwright and critic who took his new job at the Hamburg Theatre to new heights. Since that time, the field of dramaturgy has grown and expanded in the theatre, and has become my personal passion.
Every year, the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) (the international organization of people who, like me, have followed Lessing’s career path) celebrates Lessing’s birthday (which is January 22nd) by doing a fundraiser that is geared to help send early career dramaturgs (students, interns, etc.) to their annual conference. This year, they are expanding their efforts to a week-long celebration.
So why, you might ask, am I telling you all this? I teach many of of the early career dramaturgs, both at Brigham Young University and Utah Valley Univeristy. These budding dramaturgs are bright, intelligent, eager and passionate. And I want to help send at least one of them to conference this year, in Vancouver, BC. Because they deserve it.
So, in talking with other UTBA staff members, we decided to do a little partnership between LMDA and UTBA. LMDA is hosting a Lessing Meme contest (see the image for an example) as well as doing a call for donations. And I encourage you to enter. Win a membership for yourself or your favorite dramaturg (and if you don’t know one, just contact me and I will introduce you to a worthy recipient). And send in a donation. We need about $500 to send one dramaturg to conference and if you say that you are donating in honor of a “Utah dramaturg” in the notes, I’ll make sure that it sends one of our own up to Canada.
So here are the details:
Join LMDA in Celebrating the 284th Birthday of
The World’s First Dramaturg (and our big daddy),
Gotthold E. Lessing… with Lessing Week!
Lessing Week runs January 20–27, 2013 with events that raise awareness about dramaturgy and funds for LMDA’s Early Career Dramaturgs. Attend an event near you, make a donation, or participate in the Lessing Meme Contest…
LMDA will reward the most creative and funny meme on the Father of Dramaturgy, when you post your own caption on a Lessing photo and enter to win.
for yourself or your favorite Dramaturg. Plus, the winning meme will be
POSTED ON THE LMDA WEBSITE for the world to see.
The contest closes at midnight PST on Jan 27, 2013.
So get your Meme on and submit yours today!
1) Click here to Create your meme: http://www.memecreator.org/custom/373488
2) To Enter: Post your meme on the LMDA Facebook page OR Email it here.
LMDA, Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of the Americas,
is a network of professional dramaturgs that provides support, services and
a gathering place for dramaturgs in North America.
If you like dramaturgs as much as we do,
or love saying the word “drah-muh-ter-g,” consider donating to LMDA.