A short time ago I was on my way to review a show when I was struck by an idea. What if, as the Veteran Newbie, I took the opportunity to talk to the audience members in attendance? So much of theatre is about the relationship and communication with the audience, and I was massively curious to learn about the people who were frequenting the Utah theatre scene.

An audience for Grassroots Shakespeare Company’s production of Hamlet on June 11, 2012. Who are Utah audiences?
Then, sadly, the show was cancelled, and that particular opportunity was lost. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty bummed. After bemoaning the fact that I wasn’t going to get to try out my idea (though, perhaps slightly relieved that I wasn’t going to have to awkwardly approach the people around me), I resigned myself to the fact that the Utah theatre audience members would have to stay a mystery for just a little bit longer.
Then, after my recent experience with Mandy Patinkin, my curiosity was re-awakened. And, luckily, an even BETTER idea struck me. If I had contented myself with polling the audience from that particular show, I would have gotten a VERY slim slice of the overall picture of Utah audiences. Why not go a little bigger and try to get a more comprehensive idea of who is actually coming to the theatre?
So, instead of regaling you with stories about who I met at the theatre that night, I am choosing instead to open up these questions to you, the readers of UTBA (and any of your friends). That’s right, this is the chance to let us know who you are. After the responses have been collected, there will be a Part 2 (or 3 or 4…we’ll see how this goes) to this post, and we’ll all get to have a better sense of just who is in the house.
Post your responses in the comments below. Pictures are also welcome. I think we’ll all be interested in what is discovered.
[gravityform id=”9″ name=”Who’s in the house?”]