Our annual training workshops are coming, and our readers and the public are invited.

Normally, we offer our training events in the spring as face-to-face meetings. However, the coronavirus pandemic forced us to alter our original plans and cancel the March workshop and stop planning the April workshop. The pandemic shows no sign of abetting, which means we have moved our training events online. While the face-to-face cameraderie will be missing, these workshops will still be a great chance for the public to learn more about theatre reviewing and hone their writing and thinking skills about the arts.

July 18, 2020, at 1:00 to 2:00 PM

For the first time ever, UTBA will have an outside special guest be a presenter at the annual reviewing workshop. Mark Fisher, a theatre critic for The Guardian newspaper in the UK, will be presenting his strategies and tips for reviewing theatre. Fisher is the author of the How to Write About Theatre: A Manual for Critics, Students and Bloggers, the new classic about reviewing the performing arts.

July 22, 2020, at 8:00 to 9:00 PM

The July 22 workshop will be presented by UTBA president Russell Warne. The theme will be “Upgrading Your Review.” Warne will share his tips for making a review more professional and more entertaining to read and write.


We hope that you’ll join us. Whether you’re an old pro, a student who wants to improve their writing about plays, or a reader who just wants to understand how critics think, this workshop will be useful for you.

The UTBA training workshops will be held online through Google Meet. To participate, email Russell Warne at russell (at) utahtheaterbloggers (dot) com to ask to be included in the guest list. Please specify which workshop(s) you are interested in attending. Guests will be emailed the participation URL approximately 24 hours before the event.

These workshops made possible by a grant from the Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts, and Parks program.