SALT LAKE CITY — When I first started looking into the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival I didn’t even realize they had any family friendly offerings. In reality they have an entire rating category for 18 years and under called Family Friendly (PG.) One example this year is Wonderland Awaits and it’s a ton of fun even if kids can be challenging to entertain.

Wonderland Awaits is being put on by the Salt Lake Children’s Theatre who I was unfamiliar with. I love getting to know companies that are new to me at Fringe as well as see new projects as they are workshopping. This 45 minute interactive play is of course based on the classic Lewis Carroll novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and for being a quick play, they pack a lot of the story into the segments. Of course there is Alice falling into Wonderland (they use a hoop and a flute player for this effect, which was clever), but also the unbirthday party, the snobby caterpillar, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Queen of Hearts, the cards painting the flowers red, and more.

This production is directed by Zac Curtis and written by Mindy Curtis and it is as sweet and whimsical as you could hope for from Alice in Wonderland. My favorite of the cast was Calvin Dittmore as the White Rabbit. He was in full energy the entire time, and it was impossible to not smile as he came up to each of us. Erin McGuire was also really funny and over-the-top as the Queen of Hearts (and the March Hare.) The costumes by Cherylene Rosenvall were also charming and and quirky. They reminded me of what it would look like if Wes Anderson made Alice in Wonderland with his rustic independent charm.

Mindy Curtis added a lot of charm as the puppeteer. I loved the field mouse puppet who interrupts the unbirthday party. That is a very cute puppet and the caterpillar puppet was small and adorable and a nice touch when she changes into a butterfly and has a beautiful butterfly costume.

The challenge of the afternoon is this is an interactive play and the kids in the audience were very shy and nervous about participating. The actors tried really hard to involve them, but sometimes kids will do that! There was even a moment where Dittmore said “this particular batch isn’t so enthused.” It’s so true and what can an actor do? One can’t force kids to participate so the actors just keep going and hope they leave with a smile, which is what most of the kids did here. I know at least I certainly left with a smile. Probably the most successful moment is when they had the kids come up and be flowers for that scene when Alice meets the talking flowers. That got smiles on all their faces.

There are 2 more chances to see Wonderland Awaits on Saturday and Sunday. Also the website says 60 minutes but it is more like 40-45 minutes. So take the kids and dive down the looking glass with Alice!

Salt Lake Children’s Theatre’s production of Wonderland Awaits is part of the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival, which is playing through August 4, 2023, at various times at the Alliance Theatre (602 East 500 South, A103, the Annex, Salt Lake City). Tickets are $15. For more information, visit

These reviews are made possible by a grant from the Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts, and Parks program.