There are several online components to UTBA. They are:

  • The main web site,, which is the main platform for UTBA. The web site has a variety of content, but is mostly a place for reviews, blog posts, and contest giveaways.
  • Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ accounts. These are managed by Dave, Russell, Paige, and (to a lesser extent) Christian. These exist to make readers aware of new site content, theatre news, and UTBA updates.
  • Back-end web site. This is where UTBA members submit content to the site, edit their posts, and check the calendar to find what shows are available to review.
  • UTBA Staff & Reviewers Facebook group. This is a private Facebook group where members can discuss site business and anything else they feel like.
  • On a much smaller scale, the UTBA has a mild presence on LinkedIn. UTBA members are encouraged to list the UTBA on their personal portfolio’s with the understanding that they will never misrepresent themselves or their position at the UTBA.