
  • 3,170 unique visitors (60.5% increase)
  • 5,156 visits (55.4% increase)
    • Visitors were from 49 states and 52 foreign countries.
    • 3,405 (66.0%) were from people in Utah.
      • 1,154 from Salt Lake City (33.9% of Utah visits)
      • 514 from Orem (15.1%)
      • 334 from Midvale (9.8%)
      • 275 from Provo (8.1%)
      • 195 from Cedar City (5.7%)
  • California, Texas, New York, and Nevada combined to represent 14.0% of visitors.
  • 10,149 pageviews (45.9% increase)
  • 1.97 pages per visit (6.1% decrease)
  • Average visit length is 2 minutes, 9 seconds (8.9% decrease)
  • 56.0% of visitors were new visitors to UTBA
  • 19.1% of visitors have visited UTBA more than 50 times since the site started.

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Overall, it was a very good month for UTBA, with the Utah Shakespearean Festival contributing heavily to our new traffic.  We expect many of those new readers to stick with UTBA in the future.